Video Marketing for Nonprofits

We are a Nonprofit Supporting Nonprofits.

Talking Dog Film is a 501(c)(3) video production company that focuses on compelling storytelling. We work with all people, businesses and nonprofit organizations to tell the stories that matter through dynamic visuals. We believe everyone’s story matters and deserves to be told in beautiful and impactful ways.

We have a unique business model that allows nonprofit organizations to “Pay What You Can”. This business model reduces some of the budgetary obstacles for nonprofits typically face when it comes to creatively marketing their organization. Nonprofits are the heartbeat of our communities, and creating this business model is just one small way we can make it easier for nonprofits to succeed.

What story can we help you tell?

It all started with a camera…

Talking Dog Film is a nonprofit video production company based in Lansing, Michigan. You could say Talking Dog Film began in 19-something when it’s founder, Nick Haddad, was gifted his first mini DV camera on his 13th birthday.

Haddad’s love of film and his innate desire to tell meaningful stories drove him to pursue this dream that became Talking Dog Film.

It wasn't until 2018, during our first of four trips to the Dominican Republic, that the seeds of Talking Dog's true purpose began to sprout. These experiences ignited our desire to make a meaningful impact where it was needed the most, but it took another five years of refining our skills before we could truly make a difference.

During this period, we made a deliberate choice to focus on storytelling through our videos. We continued to document beautiful weddings, collaborate with nonprofits, and craft Legacy Films. When the 2020 pandemic hit, the world seemed to pause, and interviews became scarce due to health restrictions.

However, it was during this time that we witnessed the vital role played by nonprofits in our communities. We saw how their efforts couldn't cease, even when their funding was severely impacted by the pandemic. It was during this time that the seed within us began to flourish.

“Talking Dog Film has a very personal mission statement behind it. To me, every story is unique and deserves to be told in the best way possible. I want to work closely and openly with people to discover their message that needs to be told. Your story matters and I want to show that.” - Nick Haddad

Talking Dog Film is a
501(c)(3) Nonprofit!

Over the next year, we shifted our focus to work almost exclusively with nonprofit organizations. However, a significant challenge we encountered was their limited financial resources. Nonprofits recognized the importance of marketing but often had minimal or no budget for it.

Our passion for supporting those who do incredible, selfless work drove us to offer our services well below market rates, just to help shine a light on their remarkable efforts. Yet, it became clear that this approach was not sustainable. Change was necessary.

In June of 2023, we took a significant step by officially transitioning into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization ourselves. This transition allows us to continue doing what we love and support those who make our world a better place. We are dedicated to creating heartfelt, impactful stories and are committed to doing so as a nonprofit, ensuring our mission endures and thrives.

Help Us Tell More Stories!

Thank you for considering a donation to Talking Dog Film! We are so excited to be able to use the funds we receive to help tell stories that matter and highlight organizations that are doing so much for their communities.

Support Nonprofits

Give nonprofits the option to forgo payments for video production to Talking Dog Film in order to put their valuable resources towards other needs for their organization.

Large Scale Projects

Support large scale video projects we do for nonprofits that otherwise wouldn't be achievable through normal means like large trips or bigger sized storytelling.


Your donations help fund any financial needs Talking Dog Film needs including fees, hiring outside contractors, online presence, equipment needs, and a lot of other little things it takes to run a business.

Meet Our Board