Frequently Asked Questions

  • Talking Dog Film operated as a for profit organization for the first few years of its existence. Over the last few years, we have been working with almost exclusively nonprofit organizations, and after what we all went through during the COVID-19 pandemic we realized just how important nonprofits are for their communities. We have such a heart for those doing selfless work trying to better their community. The issue we kept running into is nonprofits having a hard time allocating funds in order to pay for our services. They had the needs just not the means. Talking Dog Film as a nonprofit now allows us to jump over that barrier. With the help of donors and support, we can now go to nonprofits and offer our services in ways that are much more accessible and possible. We can also now afford the opportunities to capture stories on a much larger scale. Taking the weight of money off the shoulders of nonprofits will give them the opportunity to spend their tight resources in other ways and us to do what we do best. Capture stories that matter.

  • We will be focusing on helping nonprofit communities in the greater Lansing Michigan area primarily, but will also be connecting with nonprofits in the greater Michigan area, domestically and abroad! We will also be offering our services to video missions around the world. Those doing amazing work that is entirely focused on helping those with the greatest needs.

  • Nope! We love working with nonprofits but other stories are just as important. This means if someone still wants to move forward with a Legacy Film, a local commercial/promotional movie, or the occasional wedding we’d love to chat and see if it is a project we can make for you!

  • Not necessarily but it’s absolutely possible. Our goal is to make the video production work for nonprofits as affordable as possible. If they have a budget of $1,000,000 we’ll work with that. But we also don’t want to say no if they just don’t have the funds. By having donors we can take out the money barrier and provide the work needed. We’ll send an invoice at the end of the project and what you can pay we’ll work with.

  • All your donations will go to covering costs for video work for nonprofits as well as helping with the costs of running Talking Dog Film. We will have a general fund for all video work and campaigns that are aimed entirely at large scale storytelling opportunities.

  • First of all, THANK YOU! We literally couldn’t do this without you. If you are interested in donating to Talking Dog Film, please follow this link. We will provide donation receipts to all donors who give over $500 come tax time!